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Q: Another country can belong to an interest group that wants to influence the decisions of the US government?
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Another country can belong to an interest group that wants to influence the decisions of the US government.?


How do you magically influence ones decisions?

you can't influence another's decisions unless they let you, and it isn't magical. Through your example or advice, a decision that was to be made by another may be changed for the better, if they can see any advantage in changing their decision.

How do interest rate influence economic activity?

I dont know search it in another website

When a governments power is absolute and can make its own decisions without having to answer to another country?

A sovereign government

What is another word for revival or renewed interest of something?

Another word for revival or renewed interest on something is the word renaissance. This is why the word renaissance was used in Europe when art and literature was under a classical influence.

What government governed the Nuthanger Farm in Watership Down?

There was no government because there was no need for the rabbits to make any decisions or govern one another. Since they were reliant on Lucy and her family, they had no problems they needed to solve and no need for government.

How do the branches of government work separately?

The three branches of government work separately using the "Separation of Government". This is in the best interest of the people so that no one branch has more power than another.

Can the judge and child's lawyer be friends?

Most judges are lawyers, and many lawyers are friends with one another. A judge can be the friend of a lawyer, but may not let that friendship influence his/her legal opinions or decisions.

Factors outside an organization that influence the effective management of personnel?

The external business environment influences how managers manage their personnel. Another factor that influence effective management of personnel is government regulations, such as employee laws.

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Making decisions is the act of deciding something one way or another.

What is evaluation of money?

Evaluation of money refers to assessing the value or worth of a currency, typically in comparison to another currency or a standard like gold. This evaluation is crucial for determining exchange rates, making international trade decisions, and understanding the purchasing power of a currency in different economic contexts. Various factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and overall economic stability, influence the evaluation of money.