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Q: What are metaloids also called?
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What are the properties of metaloids?

They are half metal and half nonmetal. some examples areBoronSiliconGermaniumArsenicAntimonyTelluriumPoloniumI belive that metaloids are also called semiconductors. ENJOY!

What are elements located on the border between nonmetal and metals called?

Those elements are called "metaloids".

What are all of the elements in the boron group except boron called?

Metaloids or semi metals.

Where are metaloids found on the periodic table?

Metaloids are found on the red zigzag line of the periodic table.

What are physical properties of metaloids?

The physical properties of metaloids are that they can be shiny or dull, solid at room temperature, malleable, and ductile.

Elements that lie on the line on the periodic table having both metal and non-metal characteristics are called what?


Are metaloids malleable or brittle?


What is the element between the metals and nonmetals?


What metals are good conductors of heat and electricity?

Basically its any metal such as copper and aluminum you can also check your Periodic Table of elements and try looking at some metals or metaloids

What are the metaloids?

Metaloids are elements that have characteristics of both metals and non-metals.

What is a ion called?

Cations are positive such as H+ or they are metals and hydrogen. Anions are negative such as sulphate, phosphate, carbon ion, etc. they are the non metals and metaloids.

What is a metal that has some characteristics of both metals and nonmetals?
