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Because antibiotics are designed (by nature) to effect bacteria. And bacteria and virsus are two very different things.

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Q: Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections because?
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Why are antibiotics ineffective in treating viral infections?

Antibiotics are ineffective (while not always) in treating viral (virus) infections because of how the medications take effect. Antibiotics work by changing the body's PH to kill off bacteria. Virus's have to have a host to live and therefore can adapt to the changed in the body. So successfully kill viruses, one has to destroy the DNA within it.

Are antibiotics effective to shorten the duration of a cold or flu?

No, antibiotics are not the right medication for a cold. Antibiotics are for treating bacterial infections. The common cold is caused by a virus, not bacteria, and will not be affected by antibiotics. There may be a situation where a doctor may prescribe antibiotics for a secondary bacterial infection after a cold or flu, but the cold itself can not be treated with is a waste of money to use them for a cold and is also an unnecessary risk of adverse reactions or allergies to the antibiotics.

Why are antibiotics not used on viral infections?

Antibiotics damage the cell wall of living organism leading to its death. The viruses do not have a cell wall. Antibiotics are produced by bacteria and fungi that treat bacterial infections, not viral infections because viruses use host cells to perform their activities. So, they cannot kill viruses. That's why antibiotics are not effective for viral diseases.

Why don't antibiotics affect virus?

Because antibiotics are designed to fight bacterial infections, whereas antivirals are used to combat viral infections.

Why are viral infections not cured by antibiotics?

because show me your genitals

Why is antibiotics given for bacteria and not virus infection?

Simply because antibiotics only kill bacteria, and not viruses. There are no medications to kill viruses, your body has to fight the virus off on its own. There are some antiviral medications, but they do not kill the virus, they only prevent its growth, and only for very specific strains of very specific viruses.

Who invented penecillin?

Alexander Fleming 1928 Penicillin antibiotics are historically significant because they were the first drugs that were effective against many serious bacterial infections, and subsequent diseases associated. In addition this antibiotic can beat syphilis and staph infections.

What antibiotic is commonly used to treat viral infections?

There are no antibiotics that are effective against viruses. In fact, they should never be used unless a secondary bacterial infection is present and this is best determined by culturing the drainage, whether it is from the nose, throat, blood, or sputum. Because some Dr.'s have overprescribed antibiotics, many of the common bacteria have developed resistance.

Why taking an antibiotic is not effective in the common cold?

viruses are not killed by antibiotics. -apex

How does antibiotics fight a cold?

Antibiotics work against bacterial infections only. They either prevent the bacteria from multiplying or they affect the cell contents of the bacteria and stop the bacteria from constructing their cell wall. However, antibiotics won't work against cold because common cold is caused by a virus. Since virus contains only RNA and is non-living outside host cell, i.e.,there is no cell wall in viruses. so, antibiotics do not work against them. Therefore, it is not advisable to have antibiotics to fight off a cold.

Can AIDS be treated with antibiotics?

False. There is no cure yet for AIDS. Antibiotics work on bacteria. So if an AIDS patient gets a secondary bacterial infection, it would be appropriate for them to take antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, so antibiotics would be ineffective for treatment of the AIDS itself, just secondary infections associated with the AIDS. They are especially prone to these because of the lowered ability of AIDS patients' immune systems to fight disease.

What kind of infections do antibiotics fight?

Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, antibiotics do not fight all bacterial infections however, they generally fight one of two types of bacteria (gram negative and gram positive). Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections or parasites, but they are sometimes prescribed with a viral infection to prevent a bacterial superinfection - when you get a bacterial infection because your immune system was weakened by the viral infection first. Antibiotics have saved more lives than those lost in any war but overusing them or not finishing a course can lead to the evolution of resistant bacteria which can no longer be killed by antibiotics.