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Q: Are Brazilian people christians Buddhist or polytheistic?
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What do people believe in in Brazil?

Most Brazilians are Christians, and most Brazilian Christians are Catholic. There are also many Evangelical Christians. Islam as well as some African-Brazilian religions such as Candomble, Macumba, and Umbanda are also practiced in Brazil.

Are the people in Portugal Christians Buddhist or polytheistic?

Over 80% of all Portuguese people describe themselves a Roman Catholic, with an additional 3% saying that they participate in some other form of Christianity. The remaning population is either undeclared, or not religious. Less than 1% of the population describes themselves as a religious other than christianity.

What faith are the chineese?

The majority of Chinese people are Taoist, Confucianist, & Buddhist. There are also Christians & Muslims as well.

What people worship God?

People belonging to monotheistic religions, such are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Zoroastrians and bahai's.Hinduism is a broad category which encompasses both monotheistic and polytheistic tendencies, and variations on or mixes of both structures.

Do Brazilian people speak Spanish?

No, Brazilian people speak Portugese.

What is the Brazilian culture?

Mostly from immigrants and from Brazilian people as well.

What religion is Brenda Song?

She is Buddhist because her mom is Thai and most of the people of Thailand is Buddhist. Most people in Asia are mostly Buddhist.

What food do Brazilian people like?

I'm Brazilian and we love Churasco. It is a Brazilian B-B-Q.

Who from Egypt converted his people from a polytheistic religion to a henotheistic one?

Akhenaton, however, they became polytheistic again after his death.

Are people from Brazil Brazilian or Portuguese?

They are Brazilian and they speak portuguese as their official language

How many people follow each religion?

Christians 2.1 billion Islamic 1.5 billion Non-Religious 1.1 billion Hindu 900 milion Buddhist 376 million

What modern day religion worship in a temple?

Buddhist people do and so do Mormon people. Buddhist have shrines and Mormons have temples. Mormons go to temples to do work for the dead (more complicated stuff) and to pray and is a very holy place. Buddhist people go to pray. This is just from my simple knowledge