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Q: Are Fructose and lactose are simple sugars or simple carbohydrates?
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What are the six simple sugars?

glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, dextrose

What are fructose and glucose exampled of?

Glucose and fructose are examples of monosaccharides, or simple sugars. Monosaccharides are types of carbohydrates that are naturally found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

What category is common sugars like fructose and lactose found in monomers?

Sugars that are monomers are called monosaccharides, which are singe (simple) sugars like glucose, fructose, and galactose. However, lactose is a disaccharide (double sugar) composed of galactose and glucose bonded together.

What are the monomers of a carbohydrate?

Simple sugars are called monomers which is mono saccharides.The mono saccharides for carbohydrates are glucose , fructose and glactose. Carbohydrates can also be Di saccharides which is sucrose , lactose.

Do Fructose and sucrose contain mercury?

No. Fructose and sucrose are both simple sugars or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are all compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Are simple carbohydrates sweet?

Fructose anyway is known to be one of the sweetest, if not, the sweetest sugar anyway! . . . In most cases - yes. Simple Carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. They are sometimes natural sugars (like in apples) or unatural (like in lollipops).

What are the most basic carbohydrates or simple sugars are called?


Monomer of Carbohydrates?

monosaccharides which are single simple sugars( glucose, fructose galactose)

What is the latin name for simple sugar?

Sucrose. Other types of sugars include Fructose from fruits and Lactose from milk.

A simple sugar that is the basic subunit or monomer of a carbohydrate?


Simple sugars include what carbohydrates?

Simple sugars include glucose (the form in which sugar circulates in the blood), fructose (found in fruit and honey), and galactose (produced by the digestion of milk).

What are the elements in lactose?

Lactose, or milk sugar, is a disaccharide. This means that it consists of two sugar molecules. The molecules in lactose are galactose and glucose, both of which are monosaccharides.Both monosaccharides and disaccharides are considered simple sugars, or simple carbohydrates.