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Q: Are Greek people considered Latin
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Why did Hooke learn Greek and Latin?

Because there are many people in England that speak Greek and Latin.

Why do you think many of the terms we use in medicine were derived from the greek and latin languages?

Because for centuries Greek and Latin were considered the languages of science.

Why is the Greek language considered to be important?

It is not just the Greek language that is important, but Latin in general because it is considered the mother of all language. All the languages were made from Latin and it's roots.

Who translated the bible from Hebrew and greek to the lang of the people latin?

St. Jerome translated the bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. The translated version is called the Latin Vulgate.

Is demote a greek or latin word?

Greek. It means, "of the people". An infinite number of latin words have their roots in the greek language. Even the alphabet that we use it comes from the greek which in turn comes from the Phenician

What spoken by ancient Romans?

Latin was spoken by the common people and for everyday communication. Educated people spoke and read Greek.

Is flex greek or latin?

Flex a greek or latin

Is ped Greek or latin?

It is greek..ped- <pous=foot Latin has greek origins,not vice versa

Who translated the bible from Hebrew and greek to the language of the people in latin?


Why did ancient Romans use latin writing?

The ancient Romans wrote in Latin because that was their native language. However the educated also wrote and spoke in Greek. This was because Greek was considered the international language of the time.

Miss greek root or latin root?

re is greek and latin

Where did the word geology come from?

greek and latin greek and latin