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AIDS is generally a disorder that keeps a person to survive for years (long term). It is particularly depending on the nature of the person's immunity. During this incubation time, viral loads in the blood increased, and causing impairment in the immunity, hence any opportunistic diseases such as Tuberculosis can occur.

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Q: Are HIV AIDS short term or long term?
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What diseases cause AIDS?

AIDS is caused by one thing: long term infection with HIV.

Is aids parasitic?

Not in the general sense of the term parasite. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.

Can you get aids from a person who does not have aids?

No No, to get AIDS you must have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. You cannot get AIDS if you did not have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. Hope this helped !

Is crocodile blood a cure for HIV and AIDS?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Maybe. You need to wait till all the tests are complete first.

What is the correct name for HIV?

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is the correct term for the virus. AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the correct term for the condition that HIV develops into.

If left untreated how long can a person with HIV AIDS live?

Without drugs, HIV usually converts to AIDS in about 10 to 15 years.

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The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.

Who can get HIV AIDS?

anybody can get HIV and then move on to aids.

How is aids and HIV different?

HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

Is it true that if you are infected with AIDS then you have HIV?

Correct...HIV can lead to AIDS and AIDS can only be caused be the HIV virus.

To what extent can Pavlov's theory be applied to behaviors responsible for the spread of HIV and Aids in Zimbabwe?

Sexual pleasure can create conditioned responses, which in the case of sexually transmitted disease, are often not the right responses. Pleasure is short term, safe sex is long term planning.