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God did not choose the Jews because they were special. He chose them because they were a weak stiff necked people. God wanted others to look at the Jews and say, "Only God could have done this with that group of people. There is no other explanation." (You can look up the scripture references in a concordance.)

Answer:I hope that the above was posted at least partly in jest. Stiff-necked? Yes. But weak? Would a weak people survive in the wilderness three days without water (Exodus ch.15)? They were bold enough to remonstrate with Moses (ibid, and elsewhere) and with God (Numbers ch.21), to fight wars singlehandedly (Numbers, end of ch.32); and even their women had the astounding audacity to flout Pharaoh's direct order (Exodus ch.1).

To answer the question, God indeed chose Abraham and his family because they were special (Kuzari). In a world awash with idolatry forcibly indoctrinated by Nimrod, Abraham publicly taught the existence and the ways of the One God (Rashi, commentary to Genesis ch.24), despite the danger to his personal safety. He was harassed, imprisoned and nearly killed by Nimrod, yet he continued worshiping God and publicly repudiating idolatry. After many decades of his perseverance, Abraham was gifted with God's prophecy.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Absolutely. Every individual is special in his or her own way.

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11y ago

See Exodus 19:5 and Deuteronomy 26:16-19. They exalted God, so He gave them His covenant. But it's also a heavy responsibility (Deuteronomy 30:15-20).

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7y ago

NO. Jews are perfectly normal human beings. They simply practice a different religion.

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