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The Northern Mockingbird is the only type of mockingbird that is found in the United States. This is the state bird for Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, and Florida. The Northern Mockingbird is a protected species.

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Q: Are Northern Mockingbirds a protected or a unprotected species?
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What are all the species of mockingbirds?

When I made this, I meant subspecies.

Is it a common bird mockingbird?

This depends on what species you are referring to. Mockingbirds are an entire family of birds, made up of 16 species. All are quite common, but these are endangered and vulnerable.Florenana MockingbirdSan Cristobal MockingbirdHood MockingbirdSocorro MockingbirdIf you are referring to the Northern Mockingbird, the most common North American species, then they are very common.

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No. The mocking bird is not a native UK species. There may be some in zoos etc

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