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No. It depends on the data type. So numbers would not be in quotation marks for example.

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Q: Are a function's arguments in Excel always surrounded by quotation marks?
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Where do you find a list of Excel arguments?

Each function in Excel that has arguments will differ in terms of what arguments are needed. The help for a particular function will indicate what arguments may be needed. Some functions can be used in different ways and may not always need all arguments.

Is evidence always a quotation from a text?

No, evidence can include data, examples, visuals, statistics, and expert opinions. It supports claims and arguments within a text or discussion.

What does a quotation always start with?

a quotation mark!!

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Never. You should always have quotation marks sorrounding a quote.

Are there always capitals after quotation marks?

yes there is

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Moons are not surrounded by planets, planets are surrounded (orbited) by moons.

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when you put a quotation in a sentence you use quotation marks for the quote

What is the value that determines how an Excel function should be used?

A function will have a name, brackets and inside the brackets certain values will be needed, depending on the function. Some functions, like NOW(), do not need anything inside the brackets. Most functions have a set number of values needed in the function, and many have ones that are optional.

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Rivers are always surrounded by higher land.

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Yes. Functions are always relations, but relations are not always functions.

What should always be applied to direct speech?

Quotation marks

What are the values that are used in a function?

There are several possibilities. They can be called arguments and there are two kinds, variables and constants. Variables can have different values and constants are always the same.