

Are all bacteria dangerous

Updated: 11/8/2022
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11y ago

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No. Our bodies, especially our intestines, are FULL of bacteria that are not only NOT dangerous, but essential for health. They help us digest food and we would be in trouble without them. Do you like yogurt or cheese? Guess what?

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Q: Are all bacteria dangerous
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EColi bacteria is a very dangerous and deadly bacteria that is found on food.

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How is bacteria dangerous?

Bacteria can be dangerous in many ways. Some bacteria carry diseases that can cause severe illness or even death. Some bacteria causes food to spoil and can make drinking water unsafe to consume.

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It depends on what kind of bacteria you're talking about. Many bacteria in our own bodies are useful and helpful - for example, the bacteria in our digestive system that takes food and converts it in to the elements we need to survive. Other bacteria can be deadly, such a staph bacteria that cause infections. Bottom line is that not all bactiera are harmful.

What are dangerous micro-organisms?

Bacteria, viruses, fungus

Why would an antiseptic be dangerous to humans if it killed all bacteria?

Because certain bacteria live in our digestive tract and digest things for us. If we killed all bacteria, we'd starve. Plus bacteria are the base of the food chain. They also break down organic material from things that have died. Without bacteria, nothing would rot and return to the soil. Bacteria are actually vital to life on Earth.

Why is it dangerous to eat raw meat?

Bacteria and Salmonella can infect it.

Is florescent green bacteria dangerous?

Yes, I think so.