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The grey colouring of a koala helps it to be camouflaged when it is sitting high in gum trees. Gum trunks and branches are dappled in appearance, and the colouring of the grey koala enables it to blend in.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Koalas are not only grey. Koalas have woolly light to dark grey fur with brown and white patches and a cream belly.

The grey of a koala's fur enables it to camouflage easily among the grey-green of a typical gum tree. This colouring is very effective. It was ten years after European settlement in Australia before koalas were even known to exist.

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14y ago

There is only one species of koala, and many debates over whether sub-species exist. Regardless, koalas from the southern regions of Australia tend to be larger and browner, whilst northern koalas are smaller, with grey fur.

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12y ago

Koalas are not only grey and white. Koalas have woolly light to dark grey fur with brown and white patches and a cream belly.

The natural colouring of a koala, together with its tendency to stay still for hours, helps them to camouflage. The first European settlers in Australia did not even know the koala existed for the first eleven years of settlement, even though the animals were prolific in the Sydney Cove area. When koalas nestle high in gum trees, the light filtering past the gum leaves has a dappled look on both the koalas and the gum branches which are similarly dappled. This makes it much more difficult to detect koalas in trees.

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10y ago

Koalas are not really greyish-white.

Koalas are various shades of light to darker grey with a tendency towards brown in southern area, and a cream belly. When they nestle high in gum trees, the light filtering past the gum leaves has a dappled look on both the koalas and the gum branches which are similarly dappled. This makes it much more difficult to detect koalas in trees.

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13y ago

same question as why is our hair the color it is it can never be answered

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13y ago

No, there is only one species of koala. Koalas are the only surviving species of the family Phascolarctidae. They are all grey in colour, with southern koalas tending to brown.

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10y ago

All koalas are essentially grey, with some having tinges of brown fur.

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14y ago

cos it's the pigmentation of their fur!!!

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Q: Why are koalas fur the color they are?
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What color is the fur color of the northern koala?

Koalas in the north have woolly light grey fur. The difference between the northern koalas and those found in the south is that southern koalas have darker grey fur tinged with brown.

Do koalas have hair or fur?

They have fur.

How is a koalas skin like?

A koalas skin is covered with fur. Koalas have a woolly light to dark grey fur with brown and white patches and a cream belly.

What does a koalas fur look like?

Koalas have woolly light to dark grey fur with brown and white patches and a cream belly. Southern koalas are darker in colour than their northern counterparts and have longer fur.

Do humans kill koalas for their skin?

Not any more. Koalas were once killed for their fur, as koalas fur was in high demand overseas. Koalas are now protected by law, and it is illegal to hunt them for any reason.

Do koalas have thin fur?

Not at all. The koala's fur is quite dense.

Do koalas change their fur?

Koalas do not change their fur. They do not shed; nor do they undergo a seasonal moult - just a gradual moult throughout the year.

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What is a koalas skin made out of?

It is made of fur

How can you solve the problem between Koalas and the hunting of their fur?

There is no problem concerning koalas and the hunting of their fur. Koalas are protected by law, and have been since the mid twentieth century. It is true that koalas used to be hunted for their fur, as demand for their pelts was high in both the USA and the UK. This was finally recognised as a problem during the 1920s, and the practice was banned.

Do koalas have soft fur?

Koalas have thick fur which serves two main purposes. The fur has two layers. Koalas have a dense undercoat, and on top is longer, coarser fur that grows out through the undercoat. The undercoat keeps the koala warm in winter and cooler in summer, while the outer, fluffy layer protects them from rain.

Does a koala have a beak?

No A koala is a mammal and has fur - a bird has feathers.