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false theyre herbivores

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Q: Are animals that feed on green plants called producers?
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Why are green plants producers?

Green plants are called producers because they produce food for animals.

Why green plant called producer?

Green plants are called producers because they produce food for animals.

Why are green plant called produced?

Green plants are called producers because they produce food for animals.

What green plants are producers?

it produces animals with big butt

Are green plants producers?

it produces animals with big butt

What are plants that make their own food called?

Plants that make their own food are called autotrophs, producers or primary producers.

What type of organisms are always producers?

Producers are organisms like green plants, which produce organic compounds from inorganic compounds. The plants are then eaten by consumers like the grazing animals. Plants are known as the primary producers.

Are Producers Viruses?

No. Producers are green plants.

Are elephants producers?

No, elephants are animals. Animals are consumers, that is they get their energy from outside, form their food. Producers are those organisms which can generate their own food, and are nearly always green plants.

How does the stability of an ecosystem depend on its producers?

The stability of an ecosystem largely relies on the stability of its producers. Green plants are producers, animals are consumers that in turn eat the plants, which they become stronger and other consumers may consume them.

In an ecosystem plants are called?

The living parts of an ecosystem is abiotic and biotic factors

What do producers mean in science?

stuff/ Green Plants capable of photosynthesis are considered as producers in science.