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yes the auditory receptor cells are located in the anvil

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Q: Are auditory receptor cells located in the anvil?
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What is the medical term meaning auditory receptor located in the cochlea of the inner ear?

The hair cells are the auditory receptors located in the cochlea. These receptors are found in the organ of Corti.

What is the route of the auditory nerve from you ear to your brain What parts of the brain does the auditory nerve travel?

Eardrum, Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup, Cochlea, Hair Cells, Auditory Nerve.

Where are the receptor sights located for kinesthetic sense?

It depends on what the receptor cells are for. If they are for vision, they are located in the retina of the eye. If they are for hearing, they are located in the organ of Corti, and so on and so forth.

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What does the phrase density of receptor cells mean?

Density of receptor cells are the amount of receptor cells in a specific area of the body. This could be in the lips.

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Taste receptor cells are modified as what kind of cells?

Taste receptor cells are modified epithelial cells.

What cells remove neurotransmitters from receptor sites?

Cells known as astrocytes can remove neurotransmitters from the receptor area.

What structure carries the sensations caused by sound to the brain?

The cocheal contains receptor cells that convert sound vibrations into impulses that are sent to the brain.

What is the path sound travels through the ear to the auditory nerve?

The auditory system is essentially the entire pathway sound has to take. The peripheral auditory system takes the sound and translates it into the electrical processes that the brain can interpret. Then these signals get sent through the central auditory system.

Do auditory receptors detect light?

No, auditory receptors do not detect light. Auditory receptors are sensory cells that respond to sound waves, which are pressure waves with frequencies between 16 hertz and 20,000 hertz. Light, on the other hand, is an electromagnetic wave with frequencies ranging from about 400 terahertz to 790 terahertz. Auditory receptors are located in the inner ear, in the basilar membrane of the organ of Corti, while light receptors are located in the retina of the eye. Therefore, auditory receptors and light receptors are different types of sensory cells that detect different types of stimuli.

What are cells which detect change called?

They are called Receptor Cells