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Bull calves are always fertile in this twinning, but 9 times out of 10 the heifer calf isn't. She turns out to be what is called a Freemartin or a Hermaphrodite.

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Q: Are bovine male and female twins fertile?
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What is free Martin in cows?

A free-martin is a sterile female bovine who is a twin to a male bovine, sterilized in the womb by the hormones from the male. This occurs over ninety percent of the time when a mixed set of bovine twins is born. The occurrence of twins in cattle is less than 1 percent.

What are the 4 terms for the genders or altered states of the gender for cattle?

Cow: mature female bovine that has had at least two calves Bull: mature intact male bovine Heifer: immature female bovine that has never had a calf Steer: castrated/altered male bovine Spayed heifer: altered female bovine

Do you have to have a male and a female to have a fertile egg?

you don't need a male to have a fertile egg... the female body needs to be healthy and fertile to make a child which that part does take a male

What is a steer and an ox?

A steer is a castrated male bovine (or bull) that is raised for meat. An ox is a castrated male bovine (can also be female too) that is trained and used for pulling carts, wagons, plows, etc.

Masculine faminine of animal names?

A male bovine is a bull, and a female is a cow. A male peafowl is called a peacock, and a female is a peahen.

Can a gynecologist get you pregnant?

If you are fertile and female and the gynaecologist is fertile and male then the possibility exists.

What are Cleopatras twins names and were they male or female?

Cleo's twins were named Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. there was one of each --- a male and a female.

What is the opposite gender of ox?

An ox is a neutered male bovine. The opposite gender to an ox is a female bovine, commonly known as a cow.

What is another word for cow?

Heifer - a female-young cow A bovine - any member of the species, male or female.

Do bovine and steers have utters?

"Bovine" refers to cattle in general. A cow is a female bovine that has reproduced or had a calf which is a baby bovine. A cow does have an udder because she has to feed her calf. Also a heifer has an udder; a heifer is a two-year old female bovine that has not yet produced a calf. After she produces her first calf she is then considered a cow. Cows and heifers are the only bovine with an udder. Steers are male bovine that have been castrated or have had their testicles cut off, so they cannot reproduce. Bulls are male bovine that are used in reproduction.

What are MZ and DZ Twin Pairs?

MZ twins are identical twins that share 100% of the same DNA. DZ twins share only 50% of their DNA (fraternal twins). MZ twins are always the same gender, whereas DZ twins can be the same gender or one male and one female. DZM would be the male pairing of DZ twins, DZF is the female pairing, and DZO is when there is a male and a female.