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yes it is ciliated epithelial cells lining the fillopian tube

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Q: Are ciliated epithelial cells in your fillopian tube?
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What is the tube that the egg passes through?

fillopian (sp?)

Describe how structure of the respiratory tube change as the branches become finer?

The epithelial lining changes from pseudostratified ciliated columnar to cuboidal and simple squamous.

Does the fimbria of the uterine tube aid in moving a developing embryo?

No they don't....there are ciliated cells that line the inside of the tube along with peristalsis.

What is the function of the ciliated cells in the lining of the oviduct?

They help to move the egg down the tube and into the womb.

What is the function of the epithelial columnar?

to line parts of the body. an example would be the skin. ciliated (tiny hairs) cells are found in throat, folopian tube and simple are found in stomach, intestine etc .. they contain all the normal organelles and can divide by motosis.

What is special about the ciliated cell?

A ciliated epithelial cell is an animal cell because it is found in the human body only. It aids movement in the trachea (windpipe), helps move a fertilized egg cell towards the uterus (usually preventing ectopic pregnancies) and much more.

In which part of the reproductive system are ciliated cells found?

the fellopean tube( the passage where the egg travels down to the womb)

Which type of cell is shaped like a long tube with the nucleus at one end?

epithelial cells

What is the function of the cilia in the lining of the fallopian tube?

Simple columnar epithelial cells, some ciliated, line the uterine tube. The epithelium secretes mucus, and the cilia beat toward the uterus. These actions help draw the secondary oocyte and expelled follicular fluid into the infundibulum following ovulation. Ciliary action and peristaltic contractions of the uterine tube's muscular layer help transport the secondary oocyte down the uterine tube. Hole's A&P page 519

Where is ciliated epithelium found?

Ciliated epithelium is located in the lining of most body cavities. Some of the cavities that have ciliated epithelium are the lungs, trachea, and nose. Ciliated epithelium serves to keep dust and debris out of the lungs and control the flow of your lungs . Its The tissue in your lungs!!In the respiratory tractThe ciliated epithelium is a type of tissue located inside the nose. Cilia or nose hairs are situated on top of the ciliated epithelium and triggers sneezing when dust particles are caught in the cilia.In what organ will you find ciliated epithelium? Primarily in the trachea.

What types of tissue can have cilia?

The parts of the body that have ciliated columnar epithelium include the nose, the trachea, and the uterine tube. The cilia in the nose and trachea help expel foreign particles that should not enter the lungs while the cilia in the uterine tube help move the egg and sperm to the Fallopian tube.

Where is the ciliated cell in your body?

Cells in ciliated columnar epithelia. Primarily in the upper respiratory passages (where they help sweep out the mucus-trapped particles) and in the Fallopian tube (to help move the ovum towards the uterus).