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Some collective nouns are treated as plural, and I find this usage accurate and more and more pleasing to the ear. If a British commentator is saying something about football, for example, she/he might say something like "Manchester have proven themselves to be..." or you might hear "The US have initiated talks with..." Manchester and The US are not collective nouns in the same sense as "gaggle of geese", but I suspect that ordinary collectives are treated similarly.

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Q: Are collective nouns singular or plural in British English?
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Do you use a singular verb with a collective noun?

Yes, you generally use a singular verb for a collective noun because the collective noun is treated as if it is singular. For example, "government" is a collective noun, and it takes a singular verb: The government is very stable in that country. "Team" is another collective noun. My favorite team is the Blue Jays. But it should be noted that British English sometimes uses a plural verb with a collective noun, where in American English, it's a singular verb. For example, British English would say "the government are..." or "the team are..." where in American English, we would say the government is, or the team is. So, do not be shocked if you are reading a British book and you see this difference in usage.

What is the plural noun of harbor?

The plural of harbor is harbors. In British English the singular is harbour and the plural is harbours.

Is the word medication singular or plural?

As a collective noun, it's both singular and plural.

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everyone is a collective noun, thus it is singular.

When is a collective noun singular and when is it plural?

A collective noun is singular when there is one group of people or things; a collective noun is plural when there are two or more groups of people or things. Examples: Our team of players entered the field first. (singular) Both teams of players entered the field together. (plural)

What is a collective noun for senators?

The collective noun is a house of senators.

What is plural of client?

The plural of client is clients.The collective noun of clients is clientele.

What is the plural for economics?

Economics is a collective term. It is used in the singular.

Why does Wikipedia use a plural verb with a single subject such as the band were?

In American English it is standard usage to have a plural verb with a collective noun. This is not unknown in British English, but less common.

How is collective noun used with subject verb agreement?

When a collective noun is the subject of a sentence or a clause, a singular collective noun takes a verb for the singular; a plural collective noun takes a verb for the plural.Examples:A herd of elephants was at the river's edge. (singular)Herds of elephants were converging at the river's edge. (plural)

Is faculty singular or plural?

Singular (one faculty). The plural is faculties (two faculties) In American English, faculty and other similar nouns ( committee, government, staff etc) denoting groups of individuals take a singular verb: The faculty is on vacation. In British English, such nouns take a plural verb: The faculty are on vacation. So the correct answer to the question as asked is: Faculty is a singular noun that may (chiefly British) take a plural verb.

Is a general rule that a collective noun should be treated as a singular?

No, collective nouns can be singular or plural, whichever is applicable. Example: Our team of players are ready to meet your team of players. The teams of players are on the field. A flock of camels and a flock of sheep were waiting in the market for buyers. One man purchased both flocks of animals. ----- Yes. Collective nouns are generally singular in American English, though some may be plural in British English. We all say the flock of geese is on the lawn, and my team of players is better than yours is. But in America we say "the government is " while in Britain it is more likely "the government are..."