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sensory nerve

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Q: Are cranial nerves motor or sensory?
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Related questions

How many pairs are of the cranial nerves?

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that are part of the PNS. These nerves are sensory, mixed and mostly motor.

Which cranial nerves are not sensory?

Cranial nerves III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), VI (abducens), XI (accessory), and XII (hypoglossal) are motor nerves only.

What do cranial nerves VII IX and X contain?

Cranial nerves VII, IX and X are called mixed nerves because they contain both motor and sensory nerves.

What do the mixed cranial nerves containing both motor and sensory fibers include?


What twelve structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and the brain?

What 12 structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and brain

What are the cranial nerves belonging to senses?

Sensory nerves are the nerves that allow people to experience taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. For sight, there are photoreceptors; for hearing, there is stereocilia; for touch, there are motor neurons, and for smell there are olfactory sensory nerves.

Which cranial nerves conduct the sensory and motor impulses of the eye?

The Optical nerver or the Second Cranial nerve controls and relays information absorbed through the rods and cones of the eye. Eye movements (eye muscles), however, are controlled by several other cranial nerves including the Oculomotor, Abducens, and Trochlear nerves.

How do somatic sensory nerve impulses get to the brainstem from the head itself?

Somatic sensory nerve impulses get to the brainstem from the head itself via the cranial nerves. Cranial nerves are also known as cerebral nerves.

Are spinal nerves are sensory nerves?

Some are sensory nerves, some are motor nerves

What other cranial nerves contain sensory fibers?

The listed cranial nerves provide both sensory and motor innervation:Trigeminal nerve (CN V)Facial nerve (CN VII)Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)Vagus nerve (CN X)

Spinal nerves are purely sensory and motor?

Spinal Nerves Are Both Sensory and Motor. Spinal nerves are not one or the other.

What are the percentages of motor nerves and sensory nerves in the human body?

I dont know the percentage but the 3 types of it are Sensory nerves Motor nerves Mixed nerves