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Q: Are cro magnon the same as homo sapiens?
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What does homo sapiens cro-magnon mean?

It's the same thing. Cro-Magnon, homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens. They all mean modern humans.

How cro-magnon differed from homo sapiens?

They are the same. Cro-Magnon were early modern humans.

How did early homo sapiens as cro-magnons compare with humans of today?

They are the same. Cro-Magnon were early modern humans.

Are Cro-magnons members of the species homo sapiens?

Yes. The term "Cro-magnon" has no formal taxonomy; however, early modern humans referred to as Cro-magnon are Home Sapiens sapiens, just like you and me.

When did the cro-magnons die?

they never died because we are cro-magnon as an easier way to say it we are homo sapiens sapiens.

What does homo sapiens co - magnon mean?

Homo sapiens refers to modern humans. Cro-Magnon were early modern humans that lived in the stone age.

Homo sapiens that lived during the Ice Age are called?


What species were Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals part of?

Neandertals are generally classified as their own species, Homo neandertalensis. Cro Magnon man is frequently classified as being our species, Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens that lived during the ice age was called what?

Cro-magnon or homo sapiens sapiens. By the end of the last ice age, we had evolved (as best we can tell) into the form we currently have.

Why are they called cro magnon?

Cro-Magnon was the name of a cave in the Dordogne region of France where the first remains of the early humans were found. Other remains far and wide that correspond to the same types of people are also called Cro-Magnon. They were ancestors of modern humans, living around 30,000 years ago.

When did homo sapiens cro-magnon people first live?

the lived in America and the government was very strict.

What most likely evolved directly from cro magnons?

Cro-Magnon evolved into modern Europeans. No the real answer is Homo sapiens. Thank