

Are cro magnon still alive

Updated: 10/15/2022
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15y ago

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yes they are still alive!! yes they are still alive!!

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Q: Are cro magnon still alive
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How do you use cro-magnon in a sentence?

Cro-magnon were a type of early human. The cro-magnon man hunted for his meals.

What year were cro-magnon alive?

at some time around the year 8

What did the cro magnon live in?

the cro magnon live in caves and America

Why are cro magnon named after cave in southern France?

Cro-Magnon is the name of the rock shelter where the first Cro-Magnon skeletons were found.

Does cro-magnon have anything to do with evoloution?

Modern Europeans are descended from the Cro-Magnon.

What environment did the Cro-Magnon Man live in?

the cro magnon live in caves and America

Where was cro-magnon discovered?

In a rock shelter in southwest France called Cro-Magnon.

Who founded cro-magnon man?

The Cro-magnon man was founded by Edouard Lartet.

What did the cro-magnon man contribute to us?

Their genes. Modern Europeans are descended from the Cro-Magnon.

What was the cro- magnon main contribution to society?

Their genes. Cro-Magnon evolved into modern Europeans.

Where cro-magnon fossils found?

Cro-magnon fossils mostly found around europe.

What did the Cro-Magnon people hunt?

the cro-magnon hunted mammoth wild boar and bears