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The gastrointestinal tract uses both chemical and mechanical digestion.

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Q: Are digestive enzymes necessary for mechanical digestion?
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Are Digestive enzymes are necessary for mechanical digestion?


Where does mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur along the digestive tract?

Mechanical Digestion happens in the mouth where your food is physically broken down. Chemical digestion happens in your intestines, where enzymes break down and absorb nutirients

Why is mechanical digestion important for proper chemical digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

Digestive juices in the digestive tract include?

Mechanical digestion is the same thing as chewing, or mastication. It does not need any digestive juices, because that is considered chemical digestion. Chemical digestion in the mouth during chewing is mainly by the aid of saliva which has, among other enzymes, salivary amylase which initiates carbohydrate digestion.

How do the juices and enzymes facilities digestion?

Digestive juices and enzymes break down food through chemical digestion.

Which carbohydrate cannot be digested by humans and how does it help in digestive system?

cellulose. humans do not possess the enzymes necessary for its digestion.

Type of digestion that involves using enzymes and other body acid to break food down into smaller molecules?

Mechanical digestion is the physical mashing and pulling apart of food like chewing your food. Chemical digestion uses acids and enzymes to chemically break down the food until it is small enough to be absorbed through the wall of the small intestine.

2 types of digestion are?

Mechanical Digestion (ex. chewing your food) and Chemical Digestion (ex. your spit breaking down the food). Those examples happen in the mouth, but both types happen elsewhere in the body, too.

What is Found in the lysosomes?

Digestive enzymes are in them.They involves in digestion.

What part of the digestive system do the mechanical digestion?

Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of food through chewing, mixing, or churning. Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach. The food is physically torn apart through the teeth, tongue, stomach contractions, etc. This is counterpart to chemical digestion, where acids and other enzymes chemically pull apart the food.

Is the large intestine mechanical digestion or chemical?

The large intestine is mechanical digestion; it absorbs water and is involved in peristalsis. It has nothing to do with enzymes, which is chemical digestion.

Do enzymes occur in mechanical or chemical digestion?

think so