

Are dogs allowed to pee on curb grass?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Are dogs allowed to pee on curb grass?
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Do yorkie's pee dry grass?

no there pee is just kind of just a lime green.

Are dog owners really allowed to have their dogs pee on the street?

yeah just go around

What is wrong with your horse when his urine is killing the grass?

Nothing is wrong with the horse. If you look at spots where dogs and other animals pee on the grass, the grass dies there too. If your seriously worried you can call a vet.

Do dogs pee on the pee of same sex dogs or opposite sex dogs?

I believe they will pee on any pee. All that matters is the smell to them.

Why do dogs pee when you pet them?

Because dogs pee when they are excited.

What can you feed your dogs so when they pee th grass doesn't turn brown?

it is not normal for dog urine to kill grass. something is odd - either your dog has something causing unusual urine chemistry or you have very delicate grass! I have 4 dogs and have had others now departed. never did they kill grass. some plants are sensitive to urine but not common grass varieties

How do puppies pee?

They Pee like other dogs

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Why does your dog not pee on newly cut grass?

It doesn't want to ruin the grass

Why does my dog pee when he's happy?

Lots of dogs get excited when happy and leak pee, especially the small dogs

Do dogs pee when swimming?

you are so dumb dogs don't pee when they go swimming what is wrong with you? you are an idiot and a farthead buttface haaaaahahahahaahah!!!!!!! stew pudidty Hawaii

Why do dogs drag their faces across the grass?

because they might be looking for a spot to pee or poo, tracking something or someone down and they might smell another dog