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No, earthquakes cannot be prevented currently as we still do not have the technology. However, earthquakes are predictable. To save your own life, evacuate to higher ground before earthquake strikes.

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11y ago

A natural disaster can not be prevented, but there are things you can do to prepare for a natural disaster such as a earthquake.

Although they are still studying the effects of injection, pressure along fault zones can be released by lubricating the fault surface with fluid. The idea is to release the built up stress in the form of many low magnitude events so that a much larger magnitude event is less likely to occur.

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A Natural calamity or disaster is one which is of natural origin; weather (tornado's, floods, mudslides etc.), fire, earthquakes, volcano, tsunamis etc. Earthquakes are natural disaster's, they cannot be prevented, but building codes and regulations can be enforced to lessen the impact of these events.

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