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While definitely "safer" than egg yolks (which are high in fat and cholesterol), those who suffer from gallbladder issues should avoid eggs completely and consume a different source of protein (beans and rice, tofu).

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As a gallstone haver, yes they are!

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Q: Are egg whites safe to eat on gallbladder diet?
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Can you eat nuts without a gallbladder?

Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet can prevent allot of medical issues with the gallbladder. If the gallbladder has been removed then the consumption of nuts needs to be kept at a minimum on account of the amount of fat the nuts contain. A person can eat nuts without a gallbladder but only in moderation.

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It is safe to eat but not as the entire diet. You wouldn't get enough vitamins and minerals that you need.

Can you smoke after gallbladder surgery?

Yes. You should be able to eat a normal diet after gallbladder surgery. However, you may want to avoid greasy or spice foods for awhile.

What can you eat while on a diet?

oat meal,ommulet,egg whites,granola bar

Is it safe to eat leche plan during pregnant?

It is safe to eat if it does not contain uncooked/undercooked eggs (whites or yolks) and has not gone bad/stale/off.

What are some foods to eat when on a protein diet?

When going on a protein diet, you should eat lean beef or lean chicken. You should also drink protein shakes with skim milk. Egg whites are also a great addition to a protein diet.

Is it safe to go on a no salt diet?

There are no dangers to a no salt diet. All basic foods that you eat will have some salt already in them.

Is the Dr Atkins diet plan safe?

The Atkins diet plan is not safe for people to follow. It recommends you eat minimal or no carbohydrates. By limiting your carbohydrates so strictly, your body suffers.

what exactly is the heartburn diet?

The heartburn diet is a diet that lists the foods you should eat and the foods you should avoid if you have trouble with acid reflux/heartburn. An example of some foods you would eat on this diet are: Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Egg Whites. You can read more on this diet here :

Isthe diet pill adelvag safe to take?

i have actually took them and i consider them safe except eat healthy if not you will develop anemia