

Are elephant ears poisonous to goats?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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Elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta) if eaten in quantity and the goat is stressed could be poisonous due to prussic acid

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The butter may sometimes carry E. Coli

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Q: Are elephant ears poisonous to goats?
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Elephant goats

What kind of elephant is the biggest out of Indian and African?

The African elephant has the biggest ears!The type of elephant with the biggest name has the biggest ears, the African elephant (not the Asian elephant). That's how I remember.

Are the ears of an Asian elephant larger than that of the African elephant?

No. The ears of an African elephant are larger than that of the Asian elephants.

What is the difference between an Indian Elephant to African elephant?

An Indian Elephant has small ears which are floppy.An African Elephant has big wide ears which are straight.

Why does an elephant have ears?

All mammals have ears.

Why are goat ears cropped?

As a rule, goats' ears are not cropped. Sometimes goats with floppy ears have their ears caught in a fence or pull the tags out, and that tears them.There is one breed of goats that has ears (the external, floppy part) that are very short or nonexistent, and that is the LaMancha. You can find information about LaMancha goats here: have ears that are naturally that way-- they are not cropped or clipped in any way.