

Are female lions really dangerous like the males?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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there the ones who hunt for pray the male lions dont you go to school.

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Q: Are female lions really dangerous like the males?
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What are a group of females lions called?

A group of female lions is a 'pride'. (males are a 'coalition')

Do lions or female lions take care of the cubs?

The males take care of the cubs while the lionness goes hunting

Do female or male lions hunt?

Females do most of the hunting but males occasionally join in.

Do the male lions hunt or do the female lions hunt?

Females hunt, the males protect the pride.

Do the female lions take care of the baby or it it the male?

The sister lionesses all take care of the babies. The males might play with them a bit but don't really take care of them.

Why do female lions catch the food?

Female lions are a bit smaller and faster than the male lions, so actually better hunters. The males mostly pitch in when they're going after big animals like buffaloes or giraffes.

Is a lion or a tiger the male version of the animal?

Well technically, since tigers are they're own species, as well as lions, there is both males and females in the species. Lions can be male or female, tigers can be male or female

What are differences between male and female lions?

Acually, the differences are 1 female tigers have black and orange stripes, where as female lions have a beatuiful sandy,gold colouring. female tigers are not much smaller than the males, nor are female lions to male lions. but female tigers have the ability to grow MUCH! bigger than males, but are usually smaller by about an inch. A male lion, even without it's mane, is only a little a bit larger then a female lion.

Why do male lions have fur and female lions don't have fur?

To mark which animal is male an which animal is female.

Do male and female lions look different?

Male lions are different from female because male ones are a lot larger and they have hair around the head but female lions don't. Female lions are also referred to as "lionesses". Also, female lions do most of the hunting in the pride. While the lionesses hunt, the male lions stay near and watch over the cubs. Male lions are also known for being the leaders of the pride. The leader is the one who challenges and fights other male lions from other prides. In a pride, there is a lot more females than males also.

Are lions female?

Not all of them (for obvious reasons). It is easy to distinguish between male and female lions because adult male lions have long fur on their head and neck called a mane, while female lions do not. Males have this because they get into fights over territory with other lions and the fur helps protect their necks in these fights. See the related link for a picture. The male lion is on the left, the female on the right. Well not all of them but there is some female lions between adult lions and male lions. Im been seeing female lions on tv doing stuff like taking care of there kids but not eating cheetas, and other lion family been eating them,