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Water weight has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the calories in food. Calories reported are the calories in the FOOD. Water HAS NO CALORIES. Get your head on man.

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Q: Are food calories reported for the dry weight or for the whole food including the water weight?
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Does sparkling water helps gaining weight?

Sparkling water has no calories, all it is is water and carbon dioxide.

Does plain soda water cause weight gain?

Carbonated water contains no calories, so it shouldn't cause weight gain.

Are water aerobics good for weight loss?

yes, they burn calories

How can a worried almost 7 stone 5' 5 healthy eater - who is somewhat active - gain weight?

Simple, to gain weight eat MORE calories. To lose weight, eat less. Eating more calories doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy calories though EVERYTHING (except some diet drinks and water) has calories, even vegtables. Just eat bigger portians of healthy foods and you should gain weight soon. Simple, to gain weight eat MORE calories. To lose weight, eat less. Eating more calories doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy calories though EVERYTHING (except some diet drinks and water) has calories, even vegtables. Just eat bigger portians of healthy foods and you should gain weight soon.

How much weight can I loose eating 100 calories a day?

This is extremely dangerous. Please strive to eat at least 1000 calories a day. You will lose weight that way with proper exercise and plenty of water.

Does sitting in hot water help you to lose weight?

No, sitting in hot water does not help you to lose weight?

Do water aerobics or land aerobics burn more calories?

Water aerobics does help if one is really out of shape, but it is better to do the exercise on land, therefore burning more calories if you want to lose weight.

What can you put in your water to help you lose weight?

Nothing. That is, don't put anything in it, just drink plain water, which has no calories. And cut down on calories from other sources, and exercise. There is no magic substance that will make you lose weight without doing any work of any kind.

Switching from Kimkins to weight watchers. Will you gain weight?

Because kimkins is very low calorie you may initially gain weight if you increase calories on weight watchers. Also, because of the low carb nature, you may gain a few pounds of water weight, if you are eating lots of carbohydrates on weight watchers. A few pounds of water weight, is nothing to worry about, it is just water not fat. You might prefer to follow a low carb plan such as Atkins instead. However, don't let this stop you from increasing calories because increasing calories is important. Kimkins, is very low calorie and has the potential to be dangerous to ones health.

Is vitamin water bad for you like coke and does it make you gain weight or lose weight?

Vitamin water makes you gain weight, because of the amount of calories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS IS A LIE!!!! IT ONLY HAS TEN CALORIES THUS NOT MAKING YOU GAIN WEIGHT AT LEAST NOT FROM AMOUNT OF CALORIES...AND IT IS ALOT BETTER THAN COKE FYI! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vitamin water does NOT have only 10 calories. if you look on the back it says 50 calories PER serving, how much servings are there in a bottle? 2.5! that's 125 calories. it may not be as bad as coke but it can make you gain weight. it has about 32.5 grams of sugar, that's over 8 teaspoons! it doesnt even have REAL vitamins from nature, its artificial vitamins. DONT BELIEVE ME? go to this link vvvv

Why do you gain weight if you eat too many calories than you need per day?

If you eat more calories then your body burns daily you will gain weight. For vital organs and simple body functions to run properly everyday a certain number of calories are needed to "fuel" your body. Although the amount of calories varies person to person based on weight, height and over all activity. Basic diets range from 1500 to 2000 calories a day. When over consumption, or when you eat too many calories your body can not use all of them so it stores the calories for future use. Think of a sponge in water. When the amount of water is less then the total mass of the sponge the water is soaked up, with no problem. When the amount of water is more then the mass of the sponge, the sponge soaks up as much water as possible but can not soak up all of it. Good rule of thumb to remember when trying to lose or maintain weight is to eat only the amount of calories your body will use.

How much of weight a person will gain if it intakes 270 calories?

1 lb of weight is supplemented by in-taking approximately 3500 excess calories, that means after eating all your maintenance calories in that day, for example, a sedentary average size man would need about 2000 calories maintenance, so you would need to eat another 3500 calories just to gain one pound of actual non-fluctuating weight (not water/food weight). If you eat 270 calories over your maintenance calorie budget, then you will gain approximately 0.08 lbs.