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It depends on personal view.

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Q: Are girls more or less attractive to you if they have tattoos and piercings?
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Are guys less attractive to girls with braces?

It depends on the person, but usually girls are less attractive.

What side is the lesbian side for girls top ear piercings?

There is no Lesbian side to any piercing, that is a myth that is not only annoying but just down right rude. Stereo typing has no place in professional body piercings never has and never will. Piercings are just piercings nothing more nothing less.

Why shouldn't you have tattoos at job?

The more a job requires interaction with the public and making good impressions, the less likely that visible tatoos and piercings will be allowed. You will find that most customer service jobs, education related jobs and office jobs do not allow visible tattoos and piercings, however some are allowing ones that are not considered to be distracting or offensive.

Can you have a tongue piercing when you are an doctor?

Most health care workers aren't allowed to have visible piercings. tongue piercings are easier to hide though. Just keep your patient's feelings in mind. People assume that those of us who have piercings/tattoos are less professional and efficient than those of us who are not. It's sad but true. If you own your own practice, whatever you say goes. Just bear in mind that people will judge you.

What are culture norm for body piercings?

Cultural "norms" can vary from city to city and region to region. Case in point, in down town Victoria, B.C. you can see a great deal of folks with piercings and tattoos walking around in the downtown business core. Where as in down town New Westminster, B.C. the chances of seeing anyone with tattoos or piercings in the down town business core would be a rarity. So defining a "cultural norm" would be based on the age demographic for the area you are looking at. The chances of seeing someone with tattoos and piercings in Smith Center, Kansas are less likely than seeing someone in down town San Fransisco, California with tattoos and piercings. Each area has it's own "implied" unwritten code as to what would be "acceptable" to the mass population and what is considered "unacceptable". The same as behaviour, what is acceptable behaviour in some places is not acceptable in others. So trying to find a "norm" would have to be flexible based on the age demographic for the area you are looking at. You would need to qualify any statement with a age demographic context to ensure you are not labeling something unfairly. But it would be safe to say that as the working force becomes younger, the acceptable norm would be more liberal or flexible to the display of tattoos and piercings, thus making it a "norm" for the area.

Do ponytails make guys any less attractive?

Yes, but what's less attractive is a lack of confidence

Why don't cute guys like fat girls?

You're presuming something that may not be true in every specific case. However, in general, the answer is: because they know that, being attractive themselves, they don't have to settle for a less-attractive mate.

Girls do you find guys who volunteer more attractive less attractive or no difference Do you find a bad boy who volunteers to be moreless or no different?

No difference at all really, I guess that's good that he volunteers but it doesn't really make him more attractive, and a bad boy that volunteers just sounds wierd so that doesn't really make him any more attractive either.

What do piercings resemble?

They resemble piercings, nothing more and nothing less. Don't go looking deeply into something that is not of deep meaning or basis.

Is it better to try and forge a relationship with a man who is less -- not more -- physically attractive than you?

Looks are irrelevant. What matters is if you love him or not. Saying no to love because he is less attractive would be stupid. And who says he is less attractive? I think it depends on who you ask.

Do piercings cost less at tattoo parlors?

They aren't cheaper than gunned piercings but they're much better. They're more expensive because the jewelery is a higher quality and the shop is cleaner. Good piercings aren't cheap and cheap piercings aren't good!

Are babies more attractive to mosquitoes?

They are actually less attractive because they have youger skin/blood.