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top, they can consume an human, animal or any other organisms.

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Q: Are howler monkeys at the bottom or top of the food chain?
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Are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

No. Producers are at the bottom of the food chain.

What is the bottom of the food chain called?

The bottom of the food chain is the plant or the producer.

Is a consumer always at the bottom of the food chain?

The consumer is always at the top, or end of the food chain. Producers are at the bottom, or beginning of the food chain.

What is an a monkeys food chain?

U don't know

What must be true about the organisms at the bottom of the food chain?

the organisms in the bottom of the food chain are usually producers.

What is the Monkeys food chain?

Monkeys eat plants, fruits, and vegetables. But jackals, tigers, hyenas, and lions eat monkeys.

What is the Amazon rainforest's food chain?

Primary consumers are small rodents, amphibians, small fish, and insects. These would be followed by Howler Monkeys, Sloths, other primates, and tapirs. Finally tertiary consumers will be Harpy Eagles and jaguars and Large Predators

What is the howler monkeys prey?

Thay get food by swinging to trees and getting the food they need.

Are mosquitoes at the bottom or the top of the food chain?
