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The panda bear relies on a particular kind of bamboo for its food. Global warming is changing the climate of many forests, and the bear's habitat is under threat.

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14y ago

all animals are being effected pandas food source is declining so sad

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12y ago

Power, in High Places, is paralyzed; and it seems that this is also directly related to climate change.

It may also be said that "Powers, in High Places, are paralyzed."

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Q: How is global warming contributing to the extinction of the giant panda?
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How will Earth look in one hundred years if the people on the Earth don't protect it from global warming?

If you look at a globe, there are continents and a lot of blue, which means water. If we don't stop global warming in the next century, there will be much less land and you will see a lot, and i mean A LOT more blue. Global warming is so bad stop it now earth will probably not even exist all there will be is a giant ball of water and a billion fish don't let this happen please?

What animals are endangered because of global warming?

Polar bears and penguins. Additional Information: Sea Turtles, Giant Pandas, North Atlantic Right Whale, Frog species throughout Australia, Tigers of the mangrove forests of India, American Pika, Siberian Cranes, Tufted Puffins, and the Tawny Eagle of Asia and Africa. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

What will happen at the end of global warming?

"After global warming ...?" If global warming stopped now, there is still enough carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere to warm the earth by one or two degrees Celsius more than now. Life will be very uncomfortable then and many people will have died. If global warming stopped now, it would mean that we have stopped burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and are managing on renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro etc). But global warming will continue until we move entirely to renewable energy, and that won't happen for a few years yet. Why not? Ask business and government why we haven't moved.

Why is the earth said to be a giant magnet?

Because it is a giant magnet.

Is calcium chloride a giant or simple structure?

Calcium Chloride is a giant structure

Related questions

How do humans influence the giant panda being endangered?

We are the problem deforestation and global warming!

How is global warming making the giant kangaroo rat endangered?

The giant kangaroo rat, a native of California, is endangered, yes, but because much of its habitat has been taken over by human activity, not from the effects of global warming. Its habitat has been reduced to less than 4% of what it was, and the population is widely scattered, existing in little groups.

How can a Venus flytrap prevent global warming?

A Venus flytrap, a small plant that lives on insects, will not be able to prevent global warming. It will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but only a small amount. A huge forest of giant Venus flytraps would be more effective, but unlikely.

Why are pandas near extinction?

Yes the panda is part of the endangered speices list

How will Earth look in one hundred years if the people on the Earth don't protect it from global warming?

If you look at a globe, there are continents and a lot of blue, which means water. If we don't stop global warming in the next century, there will be much less land and you will see a lot, and i mean A LOT more blue. Global warming is so bad stop it now earth will probably not even exist all there will be is a giant ball of water and a billion fish don't let this happen please?

What region of North America would be easiest to survive in?

It would depend if you were surviving a super volcano, global warming, a giant east coast tidal wave. Perhaps Kentucky or Tennessee.

When will human extinction occur?

The human race will not go extinct because of Global Warming. Global Warming is a current threat, but because of the fact many people know about it, people are changing their habits for the better. (Ex; recycling, being aware, reducing their carbon footprints). The human race is not threatened because of Global Warming, but some animal species are as a result of careless actions by humans.

What are some ways the world could end?

There are some ways the world could end. 1.)Extreme Climate Change or Global Warming 2.)Nuclear War 3.)Global Pandemic 4.)Ecological Catastrophe 5.)Global System Collapse 6.)Major Asteroid Impact or Mass Extinction 7.)Super-volcano 8.)Synthetic Biology 9.)Nanotechnology 10.)Artificial Intelligence 11.)Unknown Consequences 12.)Future Bad Global Governance 13.)Gamma Ray Burst 14.)Magnetic Field Shift 15.)Zombie Invasion 16.)Black Holes 17.)Hypercanes 18.)Mega-tsunami 19.)Solar Storms 20.)Red Giant 21.)Mega-earthquake 22.)Earth stopped spinning 23.)Alien Invasion 24.)Global Acidification 25.)Pylon Destruction There are actually more ways the world could. Eventually the red giant is the most probable scenario because the sun will expand into a red giant about 5.4 billion years later. The extreme climate change is also probable because global warming is now happen because of human activity. Scientists aren't sure if a major asteroid will hit earth again like what happened to the dinosaurs, so let's assume that there will be no more mass extinction in the future.

Can global warming affect giant pandas?

yes No! The polar areas are effected most. Weather patters may change in other regions and the ocean levels rise. Panda bears and most mammals have survived many ice-age cycles. Global Warming is a normal natural phenomenon, just man is accelerating it. The Earth has gone through hotter phases in the past many times.

Are giant panda in danger to becoming extinct?

Giant pandas are now classified as vulnerable to extinction but not listed as endangered.

How have humans caused a mass extinction?

they traveled across the planet, killed off many megafauna like mammoths, wolly rhinos, sabre-tooths, bunyip, megalania, moa, giant eagle, ground sloth and giant cave bear Now they are threatening many other animals on this planet due to pollution and cause global climate change

How close to extinction is the panda?

The Giant Panda has been hunted nearly to extinction because of the high price people will pay for its meat, which is considered a delicacy in most parts of the world.