

Are parents responsible for adult children's behavier?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Are parents responsible for adult children's behavier?
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Are parents responsible for adult childrens medical bills. My son incurred an ER bill after insurance paid. is the father obligated to help?

If the person that received the treatment was an adult at the time of the treatment being initiated then the onus is on him/her to pay for it. the parents have no responsibility in the matter.

Are parents responsible for adult children's tuition?

No. They are adults so they are responsible.

At what age are parents no longer responsible for their adult child?

The key word here is adult. If they are an adult, the parents are no longer responsible. That is usually the age of 18, but could be as high as 21. Check the majority age for your legal jurisdiction.

What is the parent's responsibility for medical bills for adult children?

Parents shouldn't be responsible for adult children.

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The parents are not responsible for an adult. If the parents co-signed the loan, they can be held responsible.

If you are 18 and move out of home are your parents responsible for you?

No they are not. You are at this point considered an adult.

Is a parent responsible for adult chid's funeral expense?

Not if that child is married then yes the parents would be responsible.

Are parents responsible for debts of a single adult child after death?

The decedent's estate is responsible for the debts of the decedent.

Why cant you move out of your parents house when im 17?

Because you are not an adult. Until then, your parents are responsible for you and your actions.

Can a 15 year old move out of parents house and live with another adult?

No. Your parents are legally responsible for you.

Is a parent legally responsible for an 18 year old once they move out of their house?

No, the parents are no longer responsible for them. They are an adult and responsible for themselves.

Are parents legally responsible for a 19 year old daughter?

no once you turn 18 you are a legal adult...and in Texas that occurs at 17 the parents are no longer responsible