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Q: Are parliamentary meetings and rallies by ngos sufficient to safe the green cover of this planet?
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How many gallons of water should you take to planet mars?

Sufficient for your requirements.

What is a body in orbit around the sun that has a defined sufficient mass gravity and clear orbit?

A planet.

What is body in orbit around the sun that has a defined sufficient mass Gravity and a clear orbit?

A planet.

As of 2006 what is a body in orbit around the sun that has a defined sufficient mass gravity and a clear orbit?

In 2006, a planet became defined as a body orbiting the Sun that has a mass of self gravity sufficient enough to make it nearly round, and has a clear orbit. A+ planet

How planet earth was able to maintain a very comprehensive atmosphere?

Because it has sufficient gravity and a strong magnetosphere.

What is a body body in orbit around the sun that has defined sufficient mass gravity and a clear orbit?

A planet.

What property of a planet determines if the planet can have an atmosphere?

The mass of the planet. It's not clear cut, since there has to be gas around in the area to provide the atmosphere, but the planet (or moon) need to be massive enough to provide sufficient gravity for the gas molecules not to escape into space.

What are the four rules to classify a dwarf planet?

Type your answer here... if a planet breaks any of these 3 rules it becomes a dwarf planet is in orbit around the sun has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape), and has "cleared the neighbourhood" around its orbit

Can the planet Venus' go out of its orbit?

Planet Venus cannot leave its orbit by itself. A sufficiently close encounter with a object of sufficient mass will perturb its orbit. If the object is large enough and close enough, Venus (or any planet) could leave the orbit of the Sun.

Why are meteoroids not considered dwarf planets?

Too small. (To be even a dwarf planet you must have sufficient mass to give yourself a spherical shape.)

What makes a darf planet a dwarf planet?

is a celestial body orbiting the Sun that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity but has not cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals and is not a satellite. it has to have sufficient mass to overcome its compressive strength and achieve hydrostatic equilibrium. It should not be confused with a minor planet.

Is it ethical for humans to want to populate another planet when it seems they are not looking after the one they have got?

It is because it gives us the knowledge to progress mankind but in a more civilised and sufficient way than our ways here on planet earth.