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Only if you are not already allergic to peanuts.

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Q: Are peanuts products safe to eat if you have bronchitis?
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Related questions

Are peanuts safe to eat during pregnancy?

Yes they are.

What can eating excessive amounts of peanuts do to your body?

I am recovering from mercury posioning and had candida with mercury posioning and doctors suggested, I not eat peanuts. Peanuts have mold and peanut products. Mold has been known to cause headaches. This is what was told to me so I do not eat peanuts anymore. Good Luck

What types of peanuts will salamanders eat?

salamanders do not eat peanuts

Do birds eat peanuts?

some birds eat peanuts

What kind of food should I eat with my blood type?

If you have type B blood, you should eat plenty of meat and dairy products, as well as grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Peanuts, corn, and wheat products are not recommended.

Do moose eat peanuts?

We feed birds sunflower seeds and peanuts. Every 5-8 years, when the snow gets to deep, the moose tip the bird feeders on top of themselves and eat as much as they can. So, yes they eat peanuts (and sunflower seeds), if they get a hold of food they can't eat, (one tried to eat suit), they lie down with a tummy ache for a while but move on and survive.

Is it safe to eat one day old dairy products?

No. If you do you could get a virus.

Can hamsters eat peanuts?

yes hamsters can eat peanuts. It is their favorite food! :)

Can you eat expired peanuts?

How do elephants crack open peanuts?

Elephants don't crack open peanuts, first off. Elephants eat hay, grass, and leaves, not peanuts. People in the circus used to train elephants to hid the peanuts in their trunks, but they don't eat the peanuts.

What nuts are safe for gluten people?

If you are only allergic to peanuts (and not tree nuts) like I am, that means you can technically eat many raw types of nuts. However, the issue is that many nuts are made in facilities with peanuts, so always ask at restaurants or read labels in the store. If you are in the US, the ONLY two kinds of nuts I've found that are 100% safe to eat with my allergy (that are in my grocery store anyway) are: 1. Wonderful brand pistachios 2. Blue Diamond brand almonds

Do Greeks eat peanuts?
