

Are pickles root vegetables

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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No. A pickle is made from a cucumber, and cucumbers are members of the fruit family, and grow from stems of the cucumber plant, like apples grow from apple tree stems.

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Q: Are pickles root vegetables
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No. Pickles can't dance. They're preserved vegetables.

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What is the thing that pickles vegetables?

Pickles are cucumbers so they are fruit.A cucumber/pickle is a fruit because it has seeds.

What are the other kinds of root?

you can eat root vegetables- you can root for your favorite team - you can get to the root of the problem - you can have a root canal done on a tooth- you can store your root vegetables in a root cellar- you can drink root beer you can eat root vegetables- you can root for your favorite team - you can get to the root of the problem - you can have a root canal done on a tooth- you can store your root vegetables in a root cellar- you can drink root beer you can eat root vegetables- you can root for your favorite team - you can get to the root of the problem - you can have a root canal done on a tooth- you can store your root vegetables in a root cellar- you can drink root beer

Is calcium in pickles?

It keeps the vegetables firm (from becoming soggy). It is often used in canned vegetables for this purpose

What is the differences between cooking green vegetables and root vegetables?

root vegetables are vegetables that grow in dirt. Green vegetables are like broccoli, spinach, or celery.

Are marrows root vegetables?

No, they are ground vegetables

Who doesn't eat root vegetables?

People that adhere to Jain vegetarianism do not eat root vegetables.

Where are the most pickles grown?

in the ocean there is no pickle plant but it is made by grown vegetables.

What food group do Indian pickles come under?

They are marinated fruits and vegetables.

What are underground vegetables called?

Root vegetables or tubers.

What are non-root vegetables?

Non-root vegetables are vegetables that do not grow underground in the dirt. Some of these vegetables include bean, peas, cabbages and spinach among others.