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yes, yes they are.

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Q: Are scorpion fish and lionfish the same animal?
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Is the scorpion fish the same as a lionfish?

a lionfish is like a lion, if you would say so. i guess you could call it the lion of the ocean, if you wish. a lionfish is a very poisonous fish with spines across it's back. if you were to touch these spines and be injected with their poison, you would be in a lot of pain, and may even die if you did not admit yourself to the hospital right away.

Can a waspfish sting you?

yes, they are members of the same family as scorpion fish and lion fish and deliver a quite a little sting.

What animal group is fish?

Most fish (the ones with gills and fins) are vertebrates.

How do you spell scorpion in french?

The same as English - "scorpion"

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Do whip scorpion harm human?

The Whip Scorpion or Vinergeron is not dangerous to humans. It is *not* a scorpion but does look like one. This is for self protection. The tail has no sting. The animal will emit a noxious, vinegar smelling fluid if disturbed. There is also a critter know as a Wind Scorpion which, again, is not a scorpion but a spider. It has the appearance of a scorpion ( same color, same general body shape) but again no sting and no claws. These will bite and have rather large fangs (4 of them) which can cause nasty infections but neither the Vinergeron or the Wind Scorpion are dangerously venomous.

What is the body temperature of a scorpion?

A scorpion has the same temperature as the environment.

How did lionfish get their name?

The most likely explanation for the introduction of lionfish into the Atlantic Ocean is through the aquarium trade. In August 1992, at least 6 lionfish were released into Biscayne Bay when a beach-side aquarium broke during Hurricane Andrew. It is also thought that lionfish were accidentally or deliberately released into the ocean by aquarium hobbyists.

Would a common lionfish' sargassum fish' sea goblin scorpion fish' tassle filefish' and matted filefish be able to live peacefully in the same tank?

They all should be fine as long as theyre all around the same size. Though, I'd be careful with the filefish. They graze for marine algae constantly and could mistake a well-camouflaged Sargassum Angler for a succulent peice of Sargassum, leading to some nipping. Same goes for the sea Goblin, as they usually bury themselves up to their eyes, leaving them exposed to nipping as well.

Does a fish have a tail?

Not in the same sense as a land animal. But yes.

What animal breathes the same way as a fish?

a whale you idiot

Can fish be endangered?

Yes, fish can become endangered the same way any other animal can.