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Q: Are set up when hot air rises and cooler air takes it's place?
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What can be expect when warm air rises and cold air takes its place?


What takes the place of warm air?

As the warm air rises and moves toward the poles,cooler air moves from the poles toward the equator to replace it. Resource:Factors of Weather:Air movement Close to the Earth (science sheet)

If hot air rises why is it cooler in the mountains?

Hot air rises and cools as it does so.

Warm air rises because of its?

the warm air rises because of its Kinetic energy !

Is it true that wind is caused when cold air rises and hot air takes its places?

No. The hot air rises because it is less dense and therefore lighter. The cold air takes it's place as it is heavier. This causes wind.

When warm air near the surface of the Earth rises cooler air tends to rush in to take its place This sort of heat transfer is known as?


When warm air near the surface of the earth rises cooler air tends to rush in to take its place. this sort of heat transfer is known as?


How are temperature and turbidity related?

when warm air rises cooler air moves in to replace it

How does air move from cooler place to a warmer place or from a warmer place to a cooler place?

Because that how air rules.

How does sea breezes work?

During the day the land heats up due to the sun. This warms the air over the land. The air rises, as it is now lighter. As the air over the land rises, cooler air over the sea, rushes in to take it's place.

What forms when the warm air gets pushed ''up'' by the cold air?

it forms towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds

What process takes place when moisture filled warm air rises and cools forming clouds?
