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yes but people are saving them more and more

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Q: Are snow leopards in danger of extinction?
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Will Snow Leopards die out?

Yes they will, they are on the brink of extinction

Why are Snow Leopards dieing?

Due to indiscriminate hunting for its pelt, the snow leopard is in danger of becoming extinct.

Why is a leopards 4 paws help hem in the need for danger?

if its a snow leopard then it helps them walk through the snow!

Are the charities helping to save the snow leopards from extinction?

Yes, of course there are! Some of them are called WWF, Snow Leopard Trust, Snow Leopard Conservancy and loads more!

Can snow leopards be protected from endangerment?

Snow leopards are, sadly, being killed every year, mainly for their fur coats. They only way snow leopards can stay alive as a species is if people stop poaching them. It is unjust and wrong to kill such a divine animal to extinction, which sadly has happened to many other species of big cats and other animals.

Why can't snow leopards hear?

Snow leopards have keen hearing.

Do snow leopards ever migrate?

snow leopards do not migrate or hibernate

Is the Snow Leopard extinct?

No, an "estimated" 3,500 to 7,000 wild Snow Leopards roam the mountains of central Asia today. In addition, there are between 600 and 700 Snow Leopards in zoos around the world. They were classified as "endangered" in 1972 and that same classification was re-confirmed in the 2008 assessment.

Can baby snow leopards mate?

No. Of course not. They're snow leopards, not tribbles.

Do snow leopards have enemies?

Snow Leopards do have enemies. It's enemy is a WOLF!

Do snow leopards hunt in packs or alone?

Snow leopards hunt alone.

What makes snow leopards snow leopards?

It takes performance enhancing drugs