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When you feel a nodule, it is a sign that the lymph nodes have filtered toxic material. If the lymph collects to much at one time, it can become congested. By stripping the lymphatic vessels, you are helping the body to push things along. Once passed through, the body will dispose of things by its proper means. There should be diagrams on the internet if you are interested in a visual aid of the lymph ducts of the head, or the many lymph systems that are in place in the body. Swollen glands and constant fatigue could be symptoms of Glandular Fever. There is nothing you can take for this. My brother-in-law had this a couple of years ago. He was told to rest for a month and "maybe" he would get better as it takes months to clear up. Instead he "worked through it" and felt better in two weeks. Since then he has had two relapses (common). Chin up and keep going is my advice. Use a lotion or oil to prevent skin drag--- Rub or strip, with both hands, from under the chin toward the angle of the jaw. repeat 3-4 x's. Now, strip from in front of the ear to the neck, along the front line of the SCM muscle. Repeat... Now strip from behind the ear down the same pathway as before on the neck. Repeat... Now from the front of the neck region to the supraclavicular area (to just superior or above the clavicle bone.) Repeat... From the supraclavicular area to the armpit region. Repeat... You'll be amazed at just how quickly the body can overcome an illness or infection when it isn't congested with toxins for a prolonged period of time. Good luck.


Not to scare you or anything, but swollen glands in the neck, painful or not painful, accompanied by fatigue, can be a sign of so many different illnesses. I think you need to see your doctor and get bloodwork done ASAP.

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Q: Are swollen unpainful glands in the neck related to constant fatigue?
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