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They are in the Eastern U.S. The Rockies and Sierra Nevada are in the west.

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15y ago

Yes. The Appalachian Mountains are located in eastern North America.

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Q: Are the Appalachian Mountains to the east or the west of the Mississippi River?
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Are the Appalachian Mountains est or west of the Mississippi River?

The Appalachian mountains are on the east of Illinois.

Are the Appalachian Mountains east or west or the Missiissippi River?

The Appalachian Mountains are located east of the Mississippi River.

Is the Mississippi River located in the Appalachian mountains?

The Appalachian Mountains are to the east of Mississippi. The closest it comes to MS is in the northeast of Alabama.

How many mountains are east of the Mississippi River?

There are numerous mountains east of the Mississippi River, including the Appalachian Mountains, which stretch from northern Alabama all the way up to Maine.

What large mountain range is east of the mississippi river?

Appalachian mountains

Is the mississippi river east or west of the Appalachian Mountains?


From west to east the major geographic features of the US are the?

Rocky Mountains --->Great Plains--->Mississippi River---> Appalachian Mountains

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The land west of the Appalachian Mountains and east if the Mississippi River.

Is Mount Mitchell east from the Mississippi River?

Mount Mitchell is located east of the Mississippi River. Mount Mitchell is located in Yancey County, North Carolina. It is part of the Appalachian Mountains.

What are the geographic features of the U.S going north to south?

The east and west seaboards, the Appalachian mountains, the Mississippi river the Rocky mountains.

Are the Rocky Mountains is East or the west Mississippi River?

Is the mississippi river east or west of the rocky mountains?

Are the Appalachian Mountains east or west of Mississippi River?

The Appalachian Mountains are EAST of the Mississippi River. This long mountain chain crosses diagonally from the New England States, New York State, through NE to SW central Pennsylvania, through western Virginia, and West Virginia into the Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and northern Georgia.