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Along the left bank of Nile river there are sqattered nearly 140 pyramids of different hights, dimentions and year of construction.

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No, different cultures have them too.

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Q: Are there more pyramids in the world besides Giza?
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What is in Egypt?

The pyramids of Giza, the Nile River, and much more.

Are there pyramids in Israel?

No. The Great Pyramids at Giza are in Egypt. There are many more pyramids scattered about that country and in addition there are even more numerous amounts of pyramids in the Sudan. However, Israel has no Pyramids.

What's in Egypt?

The pyramids of Giza, the Nile River, and much more.

What was build more than 4000 years ago a tomb for an Egyptian pharaoh this is the largest of the great pyramids?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest and oldest of the pyramids located at Giza in Egypt.

Dimensions if the pyramid of Giza?

You have to be more specific, there are 3 large and several smaller pyramids at Giza.

What are examples of pyramids in real life?

The Great Pyramids of Giza. The pyramid of King Khufo. Random tombs of people. Some pyramids have more than one person.

How any pyramids of Giza are there?

There are 3 large pyramids. Kafre, Khrfu, Menkaure. Plus a number of smaller ones (3 to the south (the Queens pyramids) and more to the east.

Where are pyramids?

The most famous pyramids are in Egypt, at locations such as Giza and Darshur, and are more than 4,000 years old.Other famous pyramids are found in Mexico and Central America, India, China, Greece, and Europe. There are forms elsewhere in Africa, and in historic Mesopotamia.The pyrimadis located in a place in Egypt called Giza.

Where are the pyramids?

The most famous pyramids are in Egypt, at locations such as Giza and Darshur, and are more than 4,000 years old.Other famous pyramids are found in Mexico and Central America, India, China, Greece, and Europe. There are forms elsewhere in Africa, and in historic Mesopotamia.The pyrimadis located in a place in Egypt called Giza.

To whom do the little pyramids under the great pyramid belong to?

In the Giza complex there are 11 pyramids and regarding Khufu's pyramid there are 4 more by it. 3 small pyramids for his wives and a smaller 'satellite' pyramid.

What is the Cheops pyramid?

The Cheops Pyramid is, one of the Giza pyramids, in acient Egypt, it is one of the many pyramids that is still standing, his tomb is the most filled tomb of the acient Giza tombs. ( What I mean filled, I mean that it has more rooms and passage ways than the other Giza Pyramids.) It is also the biggest. It is about 480ft high and 750 ft along each side covering an area of 13 acres.

Which is the oldest of the 7 wonders of the world?

Why one, and not all seven? The Pyrimids of Egypt, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Pharos of Alexandria, and The Colossus of Rhodes.