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Yes, all the bones in your head are called skull.

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Q: Are the bones of the face part of the skull?
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Related questions

Which body part is referred to by the term 'cranium'?

"Cranium" refers to the part of the skull that covers the brain, excluding the bones of the face and jaw.

How is the mandible different from the other bones of the skull?

All the bones of the skull except the mandible are joined together. It is also the largest and strongest bone of the face.

What are the two bones of the skull?

The skull or cranium is also called the brain case. All the bones of the skull (except the mandible) are firmly interlocked along structures called sutures. Cranium or brain case or helmet is composed of eight bones including the frontal, occipital, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones, along with a pair of parietal and temporal bones. The skull, in an adult, is only one bone made of 8 fused bones. The lower jaw or mandible, is not part of the skull but is part of the face.

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Where is the hardest part of your head?

Well, all the bones of your skull are of the same hardness, or should be. Typically the thickest part of the skull is the forehead.

What part of your skeletal system has its bones replaced by brand new bones when you are young?

The answer to the question is the skull.

What does the skull look like?

The human skull is a group of bones that looks like a large egg with odd shaped facial bones in the front that are the basis of the muscular and cartilage structures of the face.

Which part of body protect your brain?

Skull bones protect your brain.

What part of your body has fused bones that are immovable?

skeletal system the skull

What part of the skeleton do The ribs sternum spine and skull make up?

Skeletons are made up of a system of bones in the body.

The skeleton of this part of your body is called the skull?

The part of the skeleton called the skull is the head.