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The forces that drive the rock cycle beneath the earth's surface are not the same as the forces that drive the rock cycle on or near earth's surface because the processes of the rock cycle beneath the earth surface and above the earth surface are diffferent.

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Q: Are the forces that drive the rock cycle beneath the earth's surface the same as the forces that drive the rock cycle on or near earth's surface?
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Are the forces that drive the rock cycle beneath earths surface the same as the forces that drive the rock cycle on or near earths surface?

its me a mario im more italian than pastrome ill grab you by the peaches and give you the hostalame

Are the forces that drive the rock cycle beneath Earth's surface the same as thee forces that drive the rock cycle on or near Earth's surface?

they are not the same b/c the steps of the rock cycle that happen above the eartths surface require other things(evaporation etc.) than below the earths surface(heat, pressure, etc)

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