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No. The lungs allow you to breath, while the placenta connects a fetus to the mother and allows materials to be exchanged between them

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Q: Are the lungs and the placenta the same?
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Why is the placenta like a lung?

because the lungs keep u breathin and the placenta keep u breathin

How does the placenta acts as the lungs for the foetus?

the blood from the mother runs alongside the blood from the foetus ;the mother's blood carries food and oxygen to the baby .The oxygen reachs the lungs and carbon dioxide +waste exits through the umbilical cord . Although they run beside each other they never mix.

Do identical or non-identical twins share a placenta?

do identical or non identical twins share the same placenta

What is it called when the placenta is birthed before the fetus?

This condition is called Placenta Previa. With placenta previa, the placenta grows on the lower part of the uterus partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta should form at the top of the uterus, above the baby. With a normal pregnancy, the baby would be born first, then the placenta. With placenta previa, the placenta would be delivered first. Women with placenta previa require a c-section because as soon as the umbilical cord comes into contact with oxygen, the baby will automatically breathe with his lungs. Delivering the placenta first puts the baby at risk of suffocation in the womb.

Are twins sharing same placenta identical?

no they do not.

How does oxygen travel from the air to the foetus?

Through the mother's lungs into her bloodstream, then across the placenta and through the umbilical cord to the fetus.

Is a placenta and a womb the same thing?

No. The womb is your uterus. The placenta is what attaches the baby to the umbilical chord and provides the baby with nutrients. During labor the female will expel the placenta after the baby is delivered.

Do identical twins feed off the same placenta?


Where placenta is located?

In normal pregnancy, the placenta is located at the top of the uterus, above the baby. So the placenta would be delivered after the baby. Placenta Previa is when the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus, partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. In this condition, the placenta would be delivered first during a vaginal delivery. Women with Placenta Previa require delivery by cesarean section, because as soon as the umbilical cord reaches oxygen, the baby will automatically use his lungs to breathe. So, if the placenta were to be delivered first, the umbilical cord would reach oxygen and the baby would be in the womb suffocating because the lack of oxygen.

When the lungs do not function in a fetal pig what takes over their function?

The placenta. Deoxygenated blood flows to the placenta where the carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen added. Oxygen rich blood returns to the fetus. Blood is carried to and from the fetus by the umbilical cord.

Why do fraternal twins have their own placenta?

Identical twins may or may not share the same placenta . Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas.