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No, there are no legitimate dating sites specifically designed for 11-year-olds. It's important for children at this age to focus on their personal development, friendships, and activities appropriate for their age group. Engaging in romantic or dating relationships at such a young age is not recommended.

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There is one called that's I got.

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Q: Are there 11 year old dating sites?
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Can a 11 year old date a15 year old?

Considering there are no dating laws - it's fine, but this depends upon the parents. It's not usual for a 11 year old and 15 year old to be dating.

Is there dating sites for kids 11 years old?

No there is not. That would be a heaven for pedophiles.

What are some dating site for 11 year old lesbians?

First of all, you are 11. Maybe you are just wanting to experiment. Give it some more time. There are no dating sites for 11 years old. The rule is 18 and up.

How does a 11 year old get a date?

11-year-olds should be playing with TOYS - NOT thinking about dating !

Is there any dating sites for children aged 11-12?

No,because no 11-12 year-old needs a dating site or even a boyfriend because then you will not pay attetion to your schoolwork because you are to worried about going home and talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Is it normal for an 11 year old to date?

it depends how old is the person the said 11 year old is dating

Is it dating website for 11-13 yeaR OLDS?

i think no want i look i don't see anything but i don't now if you see one that's you chance Okay but sorry maybe or not i don't see anything i'm 11 years old have something name omegle but i think is not workig anymore,

Do 11 year old have internet dating?

way. too. young.

Will a 14 year old go to jail for dating an 11 year old?

Nope not at all, both underage

Is it illegal for a 15 year old to be dating a 11 year old?

Yes. But sexually no. Not without labeling it statutory rape.

How does a 11 year old ask out an 11 year old girl his friends don't like?

if you are 11 years old. you should not be asking anyone out. !! dating don't start intill age 16.