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Lupus is not evident in the general population--you can't look at someone and know immediately that they have it. That is because it is more of a systemic condition than anything.

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Q: Are there any Pictures of patients with lupus?
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Related questions

How does lupus anticoagulant develop?

Lupus anticoagulant and other clotting disorders occur in about 20% of lupus patients. These can develop at any age.

Who suffers from lupus?

kidney patients

Any relation to finding red blood cells in urine to lupus?

Yes, 40% of lupus patients will develop lupus nephritis and red blood cells in the urine are one indicator as is protein in the urine.

What is the prevalence for lupus?

There are no exact numbers because lupus is not a disease that is reported to any agency. Estimates are that 1.5 to 2 million Americans have lupus and 5 million people world wide. 9 out of 10 lupus patients are women. Lupus is more prevalent in people of color.

Does lupus affect more women then men?

9 out of 10 lupus patients are women.

Is lupus a critical illness?

Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease, and unfortunately some patients die as a result of lupus and/or the treatments for the disease.

Is Lupus a disability?

The diagnosis of Lupus must be confirmed and it must be clearly defined as to how much and to what extent is disables you. Your best (and only) authority on this matter should be your local office of the Social Security Administration.

Lupus located on the body?

Lupus can affect any and every part of the body. Most commonly, lupus causes profound fatigue and joint pain. 50% of lupus patients will have kidney involvement. Lupus frequently causes skin rashes and lesions. But lupus can attack any part of the body. Lupus does not spread in the sense of being contagious or like an infection-it is not. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system turns against healthy parts of the self.

What is lupus ANTICUAGULATE?

Lupus anticoagulant is a blood clotting disorder that occurs in some lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.

Is lupus a dangerous?

While the majority of cases if lupus are mild to moderate, lupus can also be life threatening. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body. If it affects organs, it can be dangerous. The most common causes of death from lupus are kidney failure, uncontrolled infection and cardiovascular events.

What are the long-term effects of lupus?

Long term effects of lupus are entirely dependent upon the severity of the disease, how long the disease has been present, and the organs and tissues affected. Some lupus patients live full productive lives with normal life spans even though they have lupus. Other lupus patients live only days and die.

What is Lupus anti-coagulant?

Lupus anticoagulant is one a several blood clotting disorders that can affect lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes the patient to make blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.