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Yes there are i parts of the world.

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Q: Are there any gentoo penguins still alive?
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What penguins are there in Antarctica?

Of the 17 species of penguins, there are only fourspecies which live at Antarctica: Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrapand Gentoo penguins. The Antarctic is not their only range.

How many types of Antarctic penguins are there?

The emperor penguin is the only penguin that breeds during the winter in Antarctica, while the Adélie penguin breeds farther south than any other penguin. The rockhopper penguin has distinctive feathers around the eyes, giving the appearance of elaborate eyelashes. King penguins, chinstrap penguins, and gentoo penguins also breed in the Antarctic.

Are penguins inhabitants of Antarctica?

They are not inhabitants in the sense that the animals 'live' in Antarctica: it's too cold to support any life. However, off the 17 species of penguin on Earth, six of them breed on Antarctic beaches, including Adelie, Chinstrap, Gentoo, Macaroni, King and Emperor Penguins.

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