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Q: Are there any marine animals that eat sea stars as a part of their diets?
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Do marine biologist work with dolphins and turtles?

Yes they do. Marine biology has to do with the oceans inhabitants and dolphins and turtles are part of the oceans.

What is a crinoid?

Crinoids, are marine animals that while motile, are bottom dwelling creatures with many feathery arms and a calcareous makeup. They are related to starfish, sea slugs and sea urchins.More detail is available in the related link below.

How do marine guns get their names?

Marine Guns are often named after animals, or the person who invented or developed them. The code letters are used as part of the series in which they were developed.

Where does the waste from sea animals go?

The waste from marine animals is returned to the water in which they live. It forms part of the food chain as it is ingested by the micro-organisms that in turn become food for larger marine life.

Why does body mass affect proportions more significantly in terrestrial animals than in marine animals?

Marine animals are supported in part by the water in which they live, which allows greater body mass. Weight must be more evenly distributed in a terrestrial animal, as it is not supported by water.

What happens in an oil leak?

It causes the oil to cover a huge part of the ocean/sea, and kills a lot of marine animals.

How do fishes relate to science?

Fish have to do with biology. There apart of the marine ecosystem. All animals have a part in science, they can be used for tests for water temperature and how it effects animals, or be study on there behavior.

Is protozoa a part of Marine life?

Yes , Protozoa are part of marine life .

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What part of the ocean do echinoderms live?

Echinoderms are marine animals, which means they reside in the ocean. Echinoderms are found from the intertidal zone to the abyssal zone.

What part of speech is the word marine?

Marine is an adjective (marine life) and a noun (a member of the Marine Corps).

Are spiders part of the squid family?

No. Spider spiders and squids are completely unrelated. Squids are marine animals that belong the the phylum Molluska and spiders are primarily land animals that belong to the phylum Arthropoda.