

Are there any producers in Savanna?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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14y ago

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There are trees, shrubs, and grass.

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Q: Are there any producers in Savanna?
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Can plants be the producers of the savanna?

what are producers of the savanna? are they th plants that are in the savanna?

Are there any producers in a tropical savanna?

* ** sigh** yes, there are producers. without producers EVERYTHING else does not exist give some examples

What are some producers from the savanna?


Who are the producers in the Savanna Desert?

Savannas and deserts are two distinct biomes. There is no such thing as a Savanna Desert. However, plants are always the producers in any biome and in a savanna that would primarily be grasses.

What producers are in a savanna biome?

Yo ma!

What are some producers of the savanna?

The plains of Africa, South America, Australia and India known as the savanna biome have several primary producers, the most common of which is the grass. Other producers are trees and small shrubs and even algae.

Are there producers consumers predators and scavengers in the Savanna and who are they?

all I know is that there are lots of plants in the savanna and also lots of animals!

What are the names of the producers in the savanna biome?

horeses dung bettles i foret the rest but here is 2

What are the main producers in a savanna biome?

your mom is the primary producer in africa because she is black

Is there any bacteria in the savanna?

The savanna has no bacteria recently because it is a new breed,however when the savanna's breed gets older it might get bacteria.

What are the producers for the savannah?

The producers of the Tropical Savanna are plants such as the Jarrah Tree, Kangaroo Paw, Swollen Thorn Acacia, Baobab, and Elephant Grass. To name a few.The producers produce the food for the primary consumers who are, alas, consumed by the secondary consumers.

Is the word savanna like meaning the desert savanna?

A savanna is a transition zone between two distinct biomes, such as a forest and a grassland or a desert. The word savanna can mean any of a number of such transition biomes. However, a savanna is not a desert as it receives more rainfall.