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no thevenins theorem works for every type of element. for a.c. analysis of a circiut consisting of capacitors inductors etc. a different method is followed to find thevenins equivalent but it is valid...

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Q: Are there any restrictions for the use of circuit elements in Thevenin's theorem verification?
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What are the applications of thevenin's theorem?

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What is the iffrence between a series circuit and parallel circuit?

Series circuit: elements are connected one after the other; the current (the electrons, or other charge carriers) has to pass through each of the elements in turn. Parallel circuit: elements are connected in such a way that part of the current will pass through one circuit element, part through the other.

What is a node in logistics?

it is a junction in a circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected together

Differentiate parallel circuit and siries circuit?

If two circuit elements (e.g., two resistors) are in series (a series circuit), the current has to pass first through one, then through the other. If they are in parallel, the current has a choice, through which of the elements it passes.

In a series circuit how does the current differ at different places along that circuit?

In a series circuit, current will remain the same through all elements, and the voltage drop across elements will vary. So the answer is: it doesn't.

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How is series circuit used?

Can be used for anything. It means that all the elements in the circuit are connected one after the other