

Are there any white tigers alive?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Are there any white tigers alive?
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Related questions

Do white tigers hatch from eggs or born alive?

White tigers are born alive.

Does white tigers have any horns?

White tigers do not have horns.

How long do white tigers stay alive?

I think they stay alive for maybe 10-13 yrs.?

Are white tigers extinct?

No. And since it's not recognized as a separate specie - only a rare variation of the "regular" tiger - even if there wouldn't be any currently alive they still wouldn't be exctinct. As long as there are enough "regular" tigers left, we'd still get White tigers every now and then.

Is there any white tigers in Australia?


Are White Siberian tigers extinct?

The white tigers are bengals, not siberians, and none are currently in the wild. All are in captivity.

What makes white tigers mammals?

They have a backbone, hair, have their young alive, and are warm blooded.

What hunt white tigers?

White tigers hunt the same prey as any other tiger, they are just genetically mutated bengal tigers!

What do white tigers hunt?

White tigers hunt the same prey as any other tiger, they are just genetically mutated bengal tigers!

Is there any white tigers in wildlife?

yes there is

Do any white tigers live in Africa?


What caused the white tigers to be extinct?

They are not extinct. We have only a few hundred adult individuals alive.